A “Full” Agency Isn’t Good

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Maxed out in your agency?

At capacity?

Well, that’s nothing to write home about.

There is a lot of lost revenue and people you just can’t help that need it.

So if that’s the case AND you’re still working over time and not KEEPING enough of that money – keep reading.

Now, maybe you’re fine with that in which case you won’t like the video cuz you can’t help more people or make more income…

But ask yourself…

“Am I ok with this?”

“Am I happy with the revenue and impact i’m making?”

If you’re like most agency owners the answer is “No” because while revenue is great it’s an “ego metric”.

How much are you taking home?

How many hours are you working?

If you’re working over 40 hrs a week and barely making any money – your DELIVERY model needs to change.

Check it out.

Transcript / MP3

I hate to break it to you, but having a full agency is nothing to celebrate. It’s not going to really help you. And I’m going to break down why that is the situation for most small agency owners in this video. So let’s just jump right in

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Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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