Streamline your business, reclaim your life.

Build a wildly profitable business, remove yourself from the daily grind, and live life on your terms. Our training and coaching programs help you grow your agency, consultancy, or B2B service business.

Wearing all the hats?

As an agency owner, consultant, or B2B service provider, it can seem like all the responsibilities fall in your lap. 

This isn't just exhausting—it dims the spark that drove you to start your business and stifles your potential.

Money, time, or happiness

When all business responsibilities fall in your lap, sometimes, it feels impossible to have it all.

But the truth is, you don’t need to choose. Finally, you can be free to enjoy the money you’ve worked so hard for.

AltAgency training and consulting

Our programs help you disentangle yourself from day-to-day operations and become the cool, confident entrepreneur you’re meant to be.

When your business demands less of your time, you can find fulfillment in the things that matter most.

Wake up excited again

Jump out of bed in the morning to an incredibly profitable, fun business.

Productize and systemize your services

Package your expertise into scalable offerings

Generate multiple income streams

Ready to begin?

Here’s what you need to do…

Book a discovery call

Identify your growth stage


Join a program

Apply step-by-step frameworks


More money, less stress

Enjoy stability, freedom, time, and health


We're on your level

You reach your goals faster when you do things in the right order.

Our programs give you the support you need at your stage of growth.

Level by level, you’ll build a healthy, fulfilling business—without sacrificing your family, health, hobbies, or personal life.

Advanced: Scale your expertise, not overhead

Our Trailblazer Collective Mastermind gives established businesses a laser-focused approach to sustainable, optimized growth. Add multiple income streams, strengthen your team, and operate above the business—not in it.

Put marketing, sales, and delivery systems in place for predictable profits. The Navigator coaching program helps you refine pricing and packaging, streamlining your workweek to under 40 hours.

Unsure about your core capability, USP, or audience? Use the self-guided Pathfinder training to create your offer and land your first batch of ideal clients.

Hi, meet Greg.

This is Greg, founder of AltAgency.

Greg may run a 7-figure business, but he still has plenty of time for the important stuff. Things like doing the daily school run and mountain biking a few times a week.

Because what’s the point of creating wealth you can’t enjoy?

This is what AltAgency is all about: building a wildly profitable business while still living life on your terms.

AltAgency on YouTube

Transform your business, one video at a time

Boost your business strategy with bite-sized wisdom from our YouTube channel. Every video is another step toward a more automated, scalable, and profitable future.

Client stories

Hear from real, everyday ambitious agency owners, freelancers, consultants, and B2B service professionals who took their business to the next level with AltAgency.

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Start your growth journey

Schedule a free call to discuss what’s holding you back and how we can help.

Easily the best investment I made in my business.

Chris Baylis