Your Primary Sales Funnel

Okay, let’s jam on primary and secondary sales funnels for a hot sec.

Wait, what? There’s 2?

Yes, and there’s a reason we need a primary and a secondary sales funnel.

There’s a study I learned by Dean Jackson and in that study, he breaks down why you need a primary funnel and why you need a secondary.

But, a lot of people right now are talking about (and you’ve probably heard) that you don’t need a funnel.

Or you just need a simple one.

And that’s great, but that’s the primary funnel.

That’s for the problem and solution aware folks.

We can’t forget the people that aren’t going to buy right away.

AND that’s the majority of the people.

So, I’m going to break down why we need both in the latest episode.

Transcript / MP3

What’s good, everybody. Greg Hickman here. And in this episode, I want to talk to you about building your primary sales funnel. And then in another episode, we’re going to talk about your secondary sales funnel.

Wait, what? There’s a primary and a secondary. Let’s dive in.

All right guys. So like I said, there’s a primary and a secondary sales and

there’s a reason why we need a primary and a secondary sales funnel. I’m going to share a study that I learned, uh, by a guy by the name of Dean Jackson who was like, Oh, Gee, marketing is actually the designer of what was once called a squeeze page, which is now, uh, the originator of the squeeze page, which is now the landing page. Um, and I’m going to share a study that kind of breaks down why you need a primary and why you to secondary. And um, having invested in a lot of these online programs and hiring consultants and coaches, a lot of people right now are talking about, hey, the simple two step funnel, right? You probably heard about it or heard someone talking about, hey, or you don’t need a funnel or a simple funnel or blah, blah, blah. Like simplifying the funnel. Well, most of those people are talking about the primary funnel, which is great and you need the primary funnel.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s going to help accelerate those people to sales. For people that are, um, you know, product are problem aware, solution aware and like, you know, already ready to get going. But there’s also the people that aren’t going to buy right away. And actually that’s majority of the people. So if you want to maximize your revenue, maximize the value of every lead that comes into the door. So if you’re spending money on Facebook ads and 10% convert, well what about those 90%? We’ll talk about that in the secondary funnel, right? Um, but we need the primary funnel. So first, let me break down why we need a primary and a secondary. And I’ll kind of give you an example of the primary. So let’s, I’m going to hop onto my iPad here. And, um, you know, if you’re listening to audio only here, uh, you know, all kind of talk through this, but if you draw kind of a box and there’s four quadrants, right?

MMM. So we have a box with four, four quadrants, uh, and the above the top left box, you right. Um, now, which is essentially within 90 days. And then you have the top right box above that you write later, which is, you know, essentially, um, I’d say 90 plus days to 24 months, right? It’s, and through the study it was actually more 18 months. Right. So through this study it was more about 18 months. And um, this study I heard on a podcast by Dean Jackson, I’ll put a link below in the show notes, um, where he interviewed Todd Herman, the creator of the 90 day year. And they were talking about Todd Herman’s launch and basically they were looking at some of the numbers on like how many, how, what percentage of people would convert. Um, after seeing the first lunch. And at the time Todd was only doing one launch a year.

So, um, if we have the quadrant, the top, top left column is now in the bottom or the top right column is later. And then on the left side of the, uh, the quadrants, we’re gonna, right? Yes. Which means they’re going to buy and then know that they’re not going to buy kind of on that bottom row. Um, we want to look at how many people are going to buy in 90 days and how many people are going to not going to buy and how many people are going to invest. In a solution to the problem, you know, well, after 90 days and possibly even up to two years now, this study was done for by a company that sells faucets. Um, but the, they apply this data to a bunch of other industries and they found that the same kind of percentages held true.

So this is kind of food for thought and a model to think through why you need a primary and a secondary sales funnel. So here’s the dealio, um, say someone, I’ll talk through the example first and we’ll apply it to your own business. But when it comes to faucets, this company went out and said, uh, they reached out to people that had expressed interest and they said, hey, um, obviously you were interested in buying a new faucet. Um, you know, we’re just curious, like, have you, uh, yeah, we’d seen that you had had interest in buying a faucet. We just want to know, have you purchased a new faucet? Right? And they checked both now and then, you know, they kind of check back frequently. And what they found was that, um, 50% of the people that had expressed interest in a faucet, and it might’ve been sinks or something, and I forget exactly, uh, 50% will never invested in, in, in a new faucet or a new sink ever.

Not now, not later. Right? It’s been beyond 24 months. Um, and so 50% of the leads, so assume you have a hundred leads come into your world, it’s safe to assume that at least 50% will never invest in a solution, not, not, not just from you, but not even to their problem within 18 to 24 months. So 50 of your 100 leads will not buy from you, not now, not later, and most likely won’t even buy to solve that problem within the next 24 months. So just understand that. And so obviously that’s 50, the balance of 50% that will buy. So of that 50% that will invest in a solution or did buy a sink, right? You have fifth, the balance though, 15% of that balance is bought within 90 days of expressing that interest. And 85%, but between 90 days and 24 months. And the same data kind of actually played out for Todd in this podcast.

So Todd sells an online course called 90 day year. Um, and again, I’ll link to the episode, you can go listen to it where they break this down. But Todd launched once a year. And what Todd found was that every lead that came in or the leads that converted, experienced, um, uh, 2.4 launches before buying, right? So you do the math. Um, he only launches once a year. They’ve seen 2.4 launches. They’ve been in his world, watched him launch it at least twice, so approximately 24 months before actually buying it. Right? And so what Dean said in this, um, in this interview as well, why don’t you just launch one extra time? Because if they have to experience that, if they’re experiencing two launches, why don’t you just do two, at least two launches in a year and you shorten that to now 12, you know, at least 12 months, right?

For, for, for this 85% of people that were buying in, in Todd’s case like that, that number was still pretty damn close to 85% of their sales were coming from people that had consumed 2.4 of his launches. A have been following it for over two years. Right? So the solution was why don’t you just add a new launch? And now he launches I think multiple, I think it’s evergreen now, but he, uh, the first iteration after that interview, he was starting to do a June, July, like a mid year launch because originally it was the 90 day year. It starts in the beginning of the year, you know, kind of get on the whole new year’s resolution to hype. Um, but like those 90 days can start at any point really. So he started launching and I believe it now it’s evergreen, right? So look, your primary funnel is designed to convert that 15%, those people that are going to invest in a solution to their problem within the next 90 days.

Right? And so there’s going to be people that come into your world that are like ready, like, hey, you’re speaking my language. I can tell that you have the solution. I want to work with you. Like we want our primary sales funnel to convert those people and stay top of mind for those, for those first 90 days. Right? And so when we look at common sales funnels, right? Um, this is where you know, you, this is where you see your simple two step or you know, the simple, the simple funnel where really it’s oftentimes a webinar into application. As a service provider. This is really common, a great, a great, um, a great primary sales funnel. Um, another great one is a case study into an application, right? Like those are two examples of a primary sales funnel, right? So let’s just look at one of these.

Um, let’s break down one of them, right? So let’s look at, um, let’s look at the Webinar one. Cause that’s a common one that everyone’s talking about. And so you have, um, your registration page, right? So you might have a, this is where people are opting in for your webinar. You might have a little picture here, um, with the opt in button. Then you have, you know, hey, thank you. Thank you video. Thanks for uh, thanks for registering. Then you have your actual Webinar Room, right? This is where they will consume the Webinar or whether it’s live or evergreen, you know, you have your video and then eventually you have your app, your button that will drive them to your, your application, which then puts them on the phone. Right there is my, my phone. Right? And so this is kind of the journey, right when people are, uh, you know, when you’re seeing these people teach you how to sell high ticket programs, um, they’re teaching this, this simple webinar funnel, right?

So, so this is, I’d say like the minimum buyable execution of your primary sales funnel. But here’s the thing, like, um, this Webinar, so say they can, you know, it’s on demand or whatever. Like, there’s probably like a seven, either immediate to a seven or 14 day follow up sequence, which means people are buying, you know, within one, you know, one day to, you know, up to two weeks, but you want to account for that 90 day window, right? So our primary sales funnel needs to count from day zero to, you know, really like 90 days, right? Um, because they’re in our world for that long. And so there’s going to be people that register that, um, you know, we want to send emails, right? That get them to show up and watch the Webinar. Then we’re going to want to send emails, right. To people that attended that didn’t apply, right?

Some people, some people are naturally going to it, watch this webinar and you say, hey, come over here and apply it. They’re going to move. They’re going to move through this process. Right? But a good percentage aren’t. And so you want to have an email followup that continues to get them to, you know, apply for the call. Right? But guess what? There’s going to be people, um, you know, that’s obviously the people that yes, go that route. There’s still going to be people that know that don’t even apply ever. And you’re going to want to drop them into a series of, uh, emails as well, right? Like not just emails, but, um, that’s one thing. Emails, there’s text messages, there’s retargeting, Facebook ads, but this is kind of what we call like master follow up, which is another key piece of, of this primary funnel.

So master follow is like, okay, so if our webinar funnel is trying to get them to watch webinars, the webinars, trying to get them to apply, well, we want to make sure that we have, um, like a contingency plan for if they don’t take those actions. So, um, that’s what we’re talking about when we talk about a primary sales funnel, right? Is How do I make sure that we are moving those leads that are, that are ready to buy and willing to buy that are going to be likely to convert that 15%. How do we move them as effectively as possible into a sales conversation? And then how do we follow up with those ones that aren’t going to convert? There might still convert within a 90 day window. What most people do is they kind of forget about those leads after the first seven to 14 days.

And now we have a leaky bucket. We’re letting leads fall through the crack, fall through the cracks. So, um, it’s really important too. Think about, all right, well we have our primary sales funnel that is designed to convert those 15% and then if they don’t convert, there are, we still want to have a secondary sales funnel, right? So in the next episode we’ll be talking a little bit deeper about having a secondary sales funnel. So if you’re in a position where you feel like you’re capturing leads, you’re letting leads fall through the cracks, and you want to set up a bulletproof, a primary and secondary, a selling system that’s automated and streamlined to sell more of your programs and services, we’d love to chat with you. Um, you can click the link below to schedule a call with our team. You’re going to fill out an application. A couple of questions so we can learn more about you and hit the ground running on that scalability session right now. If you’re listening and you’re in your car or whatever, just visit system dot l y four slash apply. Okay. And, uh, you can grab a time on the calendar there. We look forward to chatting with you. Uh,

and I hope you enjoyed this episode, understanding kind of the difference between primary and what will eventually be our secondary in the next episode. So you guys have a wonderful day and we’ll chat soon.

Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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