Lead Nurture Strategy | Where To Connect with Prospects

Not too long ago “nurturing” your leads meant email follow-up.

That’s it.

If that’s the ONLY way you’re nurturing leads into prospects then you’re missing the boat in 2021.

With most industries averaging below 20% email open rates, you can’t just rely on email.

In today’s video, I break down 6 places you should be building and using to nurture your leads into prospects.

Transcript / MP3

In this video, we’re going to be talking about lead nurture strategically, how and where you should be nurturing your leads into prospects so that you can gain more clear.

What’s going on, guys, Greg Hickman here and welcome back to the channel. Uh, like I said, we’re going to be diving into lead nurture strategy. Now this is actually gonna be a two part series in this video. We’re going to cover kind of the strategy really specifically looking at where you can be nurturing your clients. And in the next video, we’ll be talking about what types of content you should be using within those different channels that we talk about today to nurture your prospects. So here’s kind of where this video is coming from contextually. If you’re in the agency, world or freelancer or high ticket coaching consulting, traditionally, you would run a ad into a webinar funnel, a webinar funnel into a call. And by the way, that still works, but there’s gonna be a small percentage of people that actually always buy on the first call and a good amount of your revenue is going to come from people that you are nurturing.

And following up with both, uh, from people you’ve actually spoke to on the phone already and just weren’t ready to buy. And you, you and or your sales team are following up with those prospects or what we’re really going to talk about in this video, the content that you should be creating, um, and where that content should live to stay top of mind with those prospects, uh, in our business. Um, and we’re, we do a little over seven figures a year at the time of recording this. Uh, I would say each and every month, at least 40% of our new sales, new sales come from people that have been with inside of our nurture ecosystem. So in an, in and around hanging out lurking in the shadows of the places that we’re going to talk about in this video, there is a lot of money to be made in the followup.

But one of the biggest things that I see has changed over the years is follow-up used to just be, keep eating, keep emailing them for 365 days a year. And email was really the only channel, but now with social and all the different platform, is there a lot of different places that you can and should be to properly nurture your prospects so that when they are ready to make a decision that you are the one that they choose? So let’s dive in. So when it comes to lead nurture one place that you should 100% create, if you haven’t already is some sort of a group, um, I like to say, build the place to be. Now. One of the most common topics around lead generation is like, go where your prospects are, but while that’s great to get started, once you start getting some momentum, it’s a lot easier just to be the place that people want to go to hang out.

Uh, for us, that is a private Facebook group. You can get to that inside this video or visit all agency.com/groups. You’ve probably are in a handful of private Facebook groups right now. I personally believe that Facebook groups are really, really powerful for lead nurture, uh, for a lot of reasons, which we’ll talk about, but I want you to create a hub, create a group for yourself that allows you to pool prospects, um, and continue to add value and nurture them. Now you might say, Hey, Greg, I don’t like Facebook, which is fine. There’s LinkedIn groups, there’s Slack communities. I do think each of them have their pros and cons. Some are definitely more effective right now. Some are on the come up like LinkedIn, uh, at the time of recording this in April of 2021, LinkedIn is really just kind of getting started with groups and like upleveling them to compete with Facebook.

Facebook, however is also running TV commercials about groups. So they’re very bullish about groups as well. So, uh, it could be that also could be a local meetup. I have friends that, uh, for example, Pat Flynn, who has an amazing YouTube channel, he runs a local meetup in San Diego for entrepreneurs. Like once a month, they all come together in person and they hang out. And that’s another one way of kind of creating an authority and building a group for yourself. So principle number one is build the place to be in the form of a group. Uh, we prefer Facebook groups. So that is something that I think you should definitely be looking at this year. Uh, it doesn’t have to be a big group either to get a lot of value. Uh, we have just under 3000 people or just over 3000 people in our Facebook group.

And then we’ve been building it very slowly, slowly, very strictly, only allowing the right people to come in the last couple of years. Uh, I know people that have a thousand people in their Facebook group that have generated multiple six figures from under a thousand people. So it’s not necessarily about having the largest group. It’s about having a group full of the right prospects. All right. So number two is just your email automation I’ve mentioned at the beginning is video like nurture. And follow-up used to just mean email people for 365 days a year. So the concept of lead nurture in many cases for a lot of people has always been tied to email campaigns. Well, in most industries or many least an hour, hour space, like on average, you get 18 to 20% open rate. So even if you had a list of thousands upon thousands of prospects and you’re emailing them, and that’s your only channel your message, isn’t even getting in front of all of them.

So while it’s a great channel and you should be emailing, I’d say at least two to four times per week to your list, it’s not the only one, but it is one. And one of the biggest misses I see is because people see that their open rate is maybe only 20%. They actually email less frequently because they feel like they’re bombarding or spamming. There, there are lists. But the problem is if you’re spamming your list, you’re probably not adding value. So I would challenge you in the next video, we’re going to be talking about types of content that you can be sending to email. So I’ll cover that in the next video, but you want to be adding value, telling stories, things like that. And I’ll give you some examples in the next video, but don’t neglect email just because it’s like historically a newsletter and you have to share news.

You can tell stories, you can have calls to action. You can do promotions. You can point people to other content in these other platforms that we’re talking about. I do a live training in our free Facebook group. Every single Wednesday. I can email my list on Wednesday, reminding people to show up to that training and I’ll see a spike in my attendance. I can follow up later in the week with, with another email saying, Hey, catch the replay of that training. So you can use email, just like any one of these other channels to cross populate. The other places that you are spending your time. So first is build yourself a group we recommend and Facebook groups. The second is to leverage your email list by having email campaigns and automation that are going out two to four times a week. Number three is retargeting.

So retargeting ads, there might be the people that are coming to your homepage, or there might be people that click on your ad and go to opt into a webinar or a masterclass of some sort or a PDF and not actually opt in. You can retarget those people. You can retarget people that have been inside your Facebook group that have been on specific pages of your website. You can retarget people on your email list. So like I just said, if only 20% of people open your email, but you can then run an ad to people on your email list with a similar message you might get in front of them on their social platform, where you are running those ads. Again, this could be Facebook ads. This could be Google retargeting, depending upon where your audience really hangs out. If only a small percentage you’re opening email, and that’s your only channel, well get in front of them using paid ads, running retargeting campaigns, you can literally get started for a couple bucks a day, depending upon how big your audience is.

And you will then be top of mind. And again, in the next video, I’m going to share different types of content, uh, that kind of pillar content that you can be re-targeting people with. But really in essence, all of these different platforms, group, email, retargeting, the upcoming ones, the content yeah. Is going to be interchangeable. You’re really just getting there in front of your ideal prospect to stay top of mind. So again, you always need to come from a place of value and trying to be of service. This is not just always retargeting to make a call to action, to buy, but you might say, Hey, don’t forget to join our free Facebook group. That could be a retargeting ad from someone on your email list. You could say, Hey, I was working with a client the other day, and I wanted to share some of their success.

Like you could share client testimonials and wins and case studies. There’s a lot of different ways you can use retargeting. You could retarget people with just your weekly YouTube video. If I want to make sure that this video gets out in front of my email list, instead of just emailing them to say, Hey, here’s the link to the YouTube video. I could run a retargeting ad to my email list. So now I’m pushing my YouTube video in a Facebook ad to everyone that’s on my email list. So I’m bringing the content to them versus always driving them to the content. And retargeting is really, really great for that. And again, for a really small budget, especially starting off, you can, and I say this in a very non stalker-ish way, you can follow your prospects around. So they start to see you. And there’s a little bit of like an omnipresence that happens when you do this.

And when they’re ready, you’re going to be the first one that comes to your mind because there’ll be seeing you everywhere. So retargeting is really, really powerful because you can be in the places that they’re already spending their time sharing more value so that they choose you when they’re ready to take action. All right, the next thing you could do is call them, uh, for our lead magnets, our webinars, we actually collect phone number. Um, if you’re calling people that have purchased something from you and you have something else to sell them, you might have their phone number. You’d be surprised if what kind of response you get when you call someone who registered for your webinar, they’re going to be shocked that you’re calling them, uh, because not a lot of people do it. And you’ll be surprised at how often that turns into a qualified conversation.

Now, again, most of this is going to be a numbers game and there will require a volume here to make this worthwhile, but you could send out ringless voicemail, you can make physical phone calls. We have our, our team calling people that have consumed our training to see what they thought, see what their current challenges. We have tons of free content. We can point them to the next piece of content that might help them right now. That is us being of service. Now you could call them, you might capture, uh, their messenger profile, whether that’s LinkedIn message, Facebook message. So when I say call, you could actually just also private message them, DM them, um, things of that nature. In this one, regard, this would be less automated, like the email campaigns that I mentioned earlier and more on the personalized outbound touches through phone messenger.

And even one-off one to one emails. You can have someone on your team dedicated to doing this in the beginning. You can, but that little extra amount of high touch can usually pay big dividends, especially when you start hitting critical volume, because people see that you’re looking out for their best interest. Hey, I saw you checked out this training. I just wanted to see if there was anything else I could give you that might help you with where you’re at right now. And Hey, if you’re interested, let’s have a conversation about how we might be able to help you and how you might be able to hire us. So outside of building a group outside of email automation, outside of retargeting, you could call them and direct message them with personal communication. Now, the next thing is, uh, the fifth location, which is just your social profiles.

So you’re watching this on my YouTube channel. Maybe you have a YouTube channel. You could use your LinkedIn profile, your Facebook profile, your Facebook business page. You might be a stud on Instagram and make really great carousels. You might like Twitter. My point is you want to be crazy value, add content in these channels. Now in the beginning, I recommend you pick at least one. You don’t try to be in all of these channels at the same time. That is a recipe for disaster. But if you’re, if you want, I run a group. If you have emails, if you’re doing retargeting and you’re consistently putting out value on your social profiles, you can drive people to that. When people see your ads, when people see one thing and they go to your other channel, you’re going to build more authority because they’re going to see you constantly talking about the same things in the same places or in different places rather.

So don’t neglect your social profiles. Now, the sixth thing is actually audio. Uh, originally I would’ve just said, podcast podcast is a great place to nurture prospects. You know, you’re in their earbuds. You’re your voice is, you know, with them when they’re driving to work or they’re working out or they’re cooking. Now we have clubhouse and other, other forms of audio that are ways for you to show up in their world, adding value only using your voice. So we have groups, we have email automation, we have retargeting. We have personalized outbound with phone calls, um, with DMS, et cetera, we have adding value on your social profiles, whether that’s Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, et cetera, and using your voice through a podcast or a clubhouse. Those are six different locations that you can and should be harnessing over time to stay top of mind with your prospects.

Now, a few tips before you jump into using these one, you don’t want to do all of these at once. I highly recommend that you spend some time rolling out and mastering and kind of getting consistent with one channel at a time. If you can’t even email your list two to four times a week, get good at that before. You’re also trying to release a YouTube video every week. So I really recommend you kind of stack one on top of the other, as you build proficiency and consistency in each of those channels. Now, the last tip is to subscribe to this channel because we released a new video like this each and every week and click that notification bell. Because next video, I’m going to break down different types of content that you can be using inside of these channels. Because one of the number one challenges I see people face is Greg. I know I need to show up more. I know I need to produce content. I just don’t know what to say. So if you don’t know what to say to nurture your prospects, we’re going to cover that in the next video. But I want you to leave a comment below this video with the next channel that you are going to focus on and master as a part of your lead nurture strategy till next time, take it easy. See you soon.

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Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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