Our 12 Go-To Tools For Webinar Marketing Funnels

Does the tech involved to build a successful webinar marketing funnel scare you?

I get it.

You’ve probably seen the top online business owners leverage webinars in their business, so you know it works, but man things can really come to a halt when it comes to figuring out what tools to use.

I mean, there are just so many damn tools out there now with new ones popping up every single day.

Which ones are right for you?

Which ones work the best?

You’re smart enough to know you need to invest in the tools, but you don’t want to waste time or money on the wrong ones.

Well, I’ve got good news for you. I’ve put together a list of the top tools, we (and our clients) use, but before I get to that, I have to stress one thing.

I frequently talk about choosing the right tools for YOUR Business. We even recorded a short video here breaking down email marketing tools vs. marketing automation tools and how you should determine which is right for you.

You would be surprised how many people I come across that invested in the wrong tool just because their mentor told them to, or that their idol was using a certain tool. That’s not the way to go about it, at least when it comes to the tools that will run YOUR business on a day-to-day basis.

Make sure the tools you choose to invest in, are based on your businesses necessities.

Those necessities should be driven by your sales and marketing strategy.

At the end of the day, the tools don’t matter. The strategy does.

Strategy always comes first and the tools are there for you to successfully deploy and enable your strategy.

After having built over 500 webinar funnels in the last 16 months we’ve been asked just a few times what tools we recommend.

After having spent countless hours using many of the options available and paying to learn them for ourselves and our clients, we’re confident that the X tools below are best in breed.

It’s also important to mention, that if you’re looking for the “starter pack”, you don’t need all the tools below, but you’ll need at least the following.

Marketing Automation – Infusionsoft. If you want to engage with your new prospects and customers, you need a way to connect with them in a segmented, personalized way. If you’re newer to marketing automation, we actually recommend ActiveCampaign, if Infusionsoft seems a bit too much.

Landing Pages – Click Funnels. Your new prospects need to opt-in/register somewhere. These are the pages where you’ll drive traffic and send your existing audience.

Shopping Cart – Spiffy Order forms. You need a way to collect the monies, right? On your webinar, you’re going to want to send your highly interested leads/soon-to-be buyers to a place they can pay you. Spiffy only works with Infusionsoft right now, so if you do go with ActiveCampaign, we recommend SamCart.

Webinar Software – Live: GoTo Webinar. Evergreen: EverWebinar. If you want to manage registrants and host your webinar you’ll need one of these. With webinars being one of the primary funnels we build, these are our go-to’s.

Ok, so at the bare minimum you’ll need the tools above but here is the full list.


Our CRM, marketing automation, and email marketing tool make up the key components of our business. It allows us to manage all of our leads and customers by developing valuable marketing conversations that engage, nurture and convert subscribers into customers. Infusionsoft lets us automate this and intelligently follow-up with potential buyers and people that aren’t ready just yet. We can give you a special deal on Infusionsoft, simply just email us by clicking here. (And because I know you’ll ask…If you’re new to all this and or can’t afford Infusionsoft, we recommend ActiveCampaign).

Click Funnels

Whenever we build out a funnel for a lead magnet or webinar registration page, we need landing pages. While I used to use LeadPages a lot, ClickFunnels has become the new winner, because we can create very customized landing pages for all of our marketing funnels. If you use ClickFunnels, we can also share our highest performing landing pages with you.


We need a way to accept money from our customers. With Infusionsoft we have the built-in capability of accepting transactions, but we use an add-on called Spiffy to make our order forms beautiful. With their drag and drop builder, we can create amazing order forms in minutes that connect seamlessly with Infusionsoft. We can also save you a good amount of money on this as well. Just shoot us an email. (Our ActiveCampaign clients use SamCart).


Like I said, webinars are one of the key elements of the marketing funnels we build. GoTo Webinar has been around the longest and is the default option for doing live webinars and thus has become our tool of choice for live webinars.


With our private clients, we often focus on automating their sales and marketing strategy so they can focus on the things they are good at. That means, when they have a successful live webinar, we automate it and make it an evergreen webinar so prospects can register on demand. EverWebinar has all the features you could ever ask for when it comes to creating, managing and tracking registrants and attendees for your webinars.


With Infusionsoft being our go to marketing automation and CRM tool, we love PlusThis. In fact, we can even save you some money on it, just email us here. If Infusionsoft were Batman, PlusThis would be his utility belt full of sweet tools that make the job easier. Whether it’s GoTo Webinar integrations, expiring links for expiring bonuses or email reply detection for your webinar replays, PlusThis has that and so much more.

Deadline Funnel

A key element of a successful webinar is adding urgency and scarcity. We like to add countdown timers to our emails and landing pages to let prospects know they have to act soon. If they show up too late, Deadline Funnel lets us redirect them to a “sorry, it’s too late page”. If you want to add urgency and scarcity to your webinars, Deadline Funnel is a must have.


Getting people to show up to your webinar is continuing to be challenging. Life happens right? Well, sending your registrants a little text message right before the webinar is about to start, is a surefire way to increase your show up rate. Twilio integrates with most of the webinar software available like EverWebinar to quickly get you texting your customers.


This one might be our secret weapon across the board and not just for webinars. ConvertFlow makes acquiring customers from your website easier than ever…and not just a pop-up either. From their easy to use platform, you can automate your customer journey, including lead generation forms, personalized calls-to-action, live chat and marketing automation…all on your website. When you’re ready to get ninja with it, check it out.


We often leverage surveys or applications off of our webinars to get prospects to apply to work with us or capture feedback to improve. We love using Wufoo forms to embed our surveys and applications right into our website or ClickFunnels pages.


Vimeo is our cost effective video hosting solution. We need to store our evergreen webinar video files somewhere that offers tracking. IF we’re doing any paid traffic, we’ll even use Wistia sometimes. In addition, we incorporate videos into our marketing sequences to get registrants to show up and attendees to buy.


As you get more advanced and new enhancements come out, integrating with everything can be a challenge. If we can’t use PlusThis for whatever reason, Zapier allows our different tools to talk to one another. Whether it’s allowing GoTo Webinar to talk to Infusionsoft or giving someone access to a membership site after they purchase…Zapier can do it. It does a lot of back end notifications for our project management tools as well connecting things like Google Drive, Dropbox, and slack. It’s pretty damn awesome, especially when you get creative.

The Next Steps For Your Successful Webinar – Steal Our Webinar Funnel Blueprint

Once you have all the tools dialed in, you need to actually build your webinar funnel.

Since we’ve basically given you the ingredients to build your next webinar, let me take it to the next level for you and share the exact webinar funnel blueprint we use with our clients.

Click the image below to get the PDF and walkthrough video explaining the exact webinar funnel formula we use with our 6 and 7 figure clients.

If you’re ready to start profiting from webinars AND maximize the sales leveraging a smart follow-up system, just click below and let’s do this.



Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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