Stabilize and THEN Scale

Have you ever tried to add that one extra client where you really started to realize that you were spreading yourself too thin?

Well, if that’s the case, you’re like most service providers that are constantly making it more difficult for them to grow and have a more leveraged and scalable business.

Here’s why.

Transcript / MP3

Have you ever tried to add that one extra client where you really started to realize that you were spreading yourself too thin? Well, if that’s the case, you’re like most service providers that are constantly making it more difficult for them to grow and have a more leveraged and scalable business. Here’s why. Think of it like you’re in the kitchen and um, you want to get something off the top shelf and it’s just too far out of your reach. And imagine you were to grab a stool and this stool only had three legs and you’re up on the stool and you’re reaching up really high to get that that can off the top shelf and the, the stools really, really wobbly, right to the point where like there’s no stability there. Well, the reality is that this is what most service providers are doing when they’re adding, when they’re adding new clients just to make more money, right?


They ended up adding one client here, one client there, and each of these clients is unique. Every time they add a new client, it’s like starting from scratch. So maybe they have 10 clients and they have you know, sort of a baseline of revenue, but each of those clients is different or you know, one to two clients over here are sort of similar. One to two clients over there are sort of similar and it’s really spreads you way too thin because everything is custom. Here’s the challenge with what most service providers deal with. If you feel a little wobbly, if you feel a little shaky, it feels like that stool is just about to tip over while you’re reaching to get to that next level of revenue. It’s because you haven’t stabilized any one revenue stream for any one particular type of client with any one particular type of service.


So in order for you to really start to expand your revenue, you first need to stabilize, right? You can’t go reach up for that one extra can on a stool that has, you know, a wobbly leg, right? Because it’s going to break and it’s going to fall over, and your business is no different if you have a wide range of services and adding the one next client’s going to require you to work nights and work weekends and go overtime just to get it done. You’re going to burn out and you’re going to break. So instead of going wide and really diluting yourself with the different types of clients that you serve, you really need to simplify and stabilize your revenue by serving one type of client and serving one type of outcome, right? So instead of having a wide service menu, you sell one outcome to that one person to really create a stabilized foundation so that you can build on top of that. If you want to learn more about how to make your service business more scalable so that you can finally hit the revenue goals that you want while working less hours, be sure to join us in our free Facebook group, the scalable service provider. I’ll put a link below and we will chat with you there. Take care.

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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