How To Train Your Team In Your Coaching Business

We’ve been hiring and onboarding a lot of people this year. Since April we’ve brought on 5 new people to our sales team, transitioned my Executive Assistant into a Sales Coordinator, and hired a Media buyer. That’s 6 new people in the last 90-120 days.While we’re not perfect, I’ve put together a video breaking down how we train and onboard new people so they are making an impact quickly. Check it out here.

Transcript / MP3

What’s good. Everybody, Greg Hickman here. And in this video, I want to break down how to train your team so that you can actually get more things off your plate. Let’s get it going. Welcome back everybody. Like I said, in this video, I want to talk about how to train your team. And if you’re new here, then go ahead and click that subscribe button and that notification bell, because we release a new video each and every week. All right. So here’s the deal. Uh, in the last four to six months, we’ve grown from four to four people to 11 people really, really quickly. Historically, I can honestly say that I’ve had no real onboarding process. We throw people into the fire. It would take a lot of my time to get someone up to speed. And a lot of times it wouldn’t even work out. I don’t know if that’s what you’ve experienced, but if that’s what you’ve experienced, you probably know what it feels like to bring someone on and then feel like you have to spend all of your time trying to get them up to speed.

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Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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