How I Made $70k With One Simple $100 Workshop

In this video, I share how I turned a simple $100 workshop into $70,000 in revenue.

This is one of the methods we use to generate seven figures annually.

I’m confident every agency and marketing firm can leverage this strategy.

Implementing this workshop strategy has allowed me to monetize my existing expertise effectively. This approach is scalable and can be adapted to suit your business needs, making it a valuable tool for driving incremental revenue.

Over the years, I’ve managed to help over 700 agencies, freelancers, and service providers grow their businesses using this approach, collectively generating significant revenue. My goal is to help you implement these strategies to see similar results in your own business.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to unbundle your core service into a profitable workshop.
  • The importance of low-friction pricing to attract clients.
  • The sequence and timing for implementing workshops into your business plan.
Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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