From One-on-One Service to Scalable Group Program Success – How Tim Transformed His Agency Model

Discover how Tim Gunsolley launched a successful group program inside his agency, leading to over 50% of participants upgrading to his next-level programs and services.

The client

Tim Gunsolley, based in Colorado, USA, transitioned from being a subject matter expert to running an agency. However, he found himself overwhelmed, traveling across the country to work with clients one-on-one at his own expense.

The challenge

Tim faced a challenging 3-month proposal process that often didn’t win clients. His agency was built around his time and expertise, and when he lacked expertise in certain areas, he would bring in other subject matter experts. However, these subcontractors were expensive, which left Tim with headaches and little profit due to the energy wasted managing projects. His business was heavily reliant on one-on-one services, making him feel like he was just taking orders from clients without room to scale.

How we helped

After joining our program, Tim packaged his core offering into an 8-week consulting program that runs on autopilot. He streamlined his proposal process, eliminated the need to travel across the country on his own dime, and learned how to sell his intellectual property more effectively. This new approach allowed him to upgrade clients from his group program into his upper-level services.


Tim successfully transformed his agency by launching a scalable group program that streamlined his offerings. Now, over 50% of his group program clients upgrade to his next-level services. He enjoys a more efficient and predictable business model, significantly improving his workflow and profitability.

Achieve more, work less

Feel the freedom of a wildly profitable business and enjoy life on your terms

Easily the best investment I made in my business.

Chris Baylis