How I Accidentally Built A 7-Figure Education and Training Business

Do you want to transform your agency or b2b service business into a more salable coaching and training business? If so, in this video I break down every step I made that got me from burnt-out agency owner to profitable and fun coaching and training business doing 7-figures.

When you see each step, you would have never guessed I would have ended up where I’m at hence why I say it was accidental. But, for you, if you want to make this transition like I did, these are all going to be required steps.

It’s my belief that adding a more leveraged and profitable revenue stream like coaching/training/consulting is THE unlock for your service business moving forward.

If you want our help, book a call to explore one of AltAgency Programs.

COACHING: Wanna launch (or add) a done-with-you productized service offer to your business and pre-sell it to 3 clients between $3-$10k in the next 90 days? We’re accepting applications now to work with a small group. Serious inquiries only, please. If you are not a digital marketing agency owner, business consultant or service provider, please do not book a call. Schedule a Growth Session Today to learn more:

FREE TRAINING: Have you been thinking about productizing your services? Maybe you want to stop selling your time-for-money and get paid for your thinking by adding a niche consulting service to your business. Let me be your guide. I’ll show you the 4 steps we took as well as 400+ owners just like you make this transition. In 20 mins you’ll have the step-by-step framework. Check it out here:

Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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