About us

Get to know what AltAgency is all about.

Introducing AltAgency

Since transforming his consultancy into a coaching powerhouse, Greg and the team have helped over 700 clients develop businesses that aren’t just financially successful but enjoyable and sustainable, too.

It’s all part of the AltAgency mission to help agency owners, B2B service providers, consultants, and freelancers revel in profitable, fulfilling businesses that support an abundant lifestyle for their families.

Live life on your terms

Whether you want more time to spend with loved ones, exploring the great outdoors, or pursuing other passions, our programs provide the roadmap to freedom.

AltAgency is for you if you want to be healthy and wealthy in every area of life and business.

The 5 Stages of Agency Growth™

We’ve been helping businesses grow for over ten years. Everyone we’ve worked with, from small startups to massive agencies, shared one thing in common: they grew in stages. 

Each stage was defined by certain characteristics—like typical challenges, objectives, and common traps. So, we came up with the Five Stages of Agency Growth™.

Our programs are based on that concept: acting according to your growth stage. As it turns out, that’s the difference between soaring success and total burnout.

We’re pleased to say that this approach has helped hundreds of our clients hit high 7-figure revenues with healthy 6-figure incomes, year after year.

Our core values

This is how we roll.

Start simple. Get ninja later.

Done is better than perfect. Simple is better than complex.


Be genuine, raw, open, and honest. Growth comes from uncomfortable conversations.

Do the unsexy work

Never neglect the fundamentals.

Figure it out

Find a way, or make a way.

​“Everything around you that you call life was made up by people who are no smarter than you. And you can change it.”

—Steve Jobs

Own your results

Hold yourself to a higher standard than others would ask of you.

​ “In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to daily trivia, until ultimately we become enslaved by it.”

—Robert Heinlein

Know where you’re going

If it doesn’t serve your objectives, stop doing it.

Be humble

Concern yourself with what is right, not who is right.

Greg’s story

Meet AltAgency Founder and CEO, Greg. For a decade, he worked in agencies supporting global behemoths like Pepsi, Unilever, and The NY Jets before deciding to venture out and create something of his own.

And so, System.ly was born. This marketing automation firm powered behind-the-scenes magic for names like Dan Martell, John Lee Dumas, Jasmine Star, Jennifer Hudye, Chris Ducker, NerdFitness, and dozens more like them.

But his vision went beyond automation. Greg saw a common thread among agency owners and freelancers—the struggle to balance profit with fulfillment.

That’s where AltAgency came in.

Meet the team

Lisa Baker

Director of Operations & Client Love

Ryan Rhoten

Messaging Coach

Dani Diaz

Administrative Assistant

Brandon Neff

Ads Coach

Waqar Ali

Business Advisor

Raphael Calicdan

Video Editor

Christopher Harris

CRM & Automation Coach


Join us

Vibe with our values and have something to bring the table? Check out the ways you can work with us.