My Clients Won’t Want Done-With-You

The first excuse I hear from digital agency owners when adding on a “done-with-you” offering is that “my clients won’t want DWY”. 

 If you think that ALL of your prospects will only EVER want done-for-you services, you need to watch this.

 In short video, I’m going to break down why this is 100% NOT True and just an excuse you’re telling yourself to keep doing things the hard and unscalable way. 

​Transcript / MP3

A big obstacle that agency owners and service providers face when transitioning from done for you work into say, coaching and consulting is they’ll say to themselves, my clients don’t want done with you. They only want done for you services. And in this video I want to break down why that’s actually not the case and how you need to think differently about your services and the result that you provide your clients so that you can actually make this transition successfully and work with more clients and impact more people by actually doing done with you services and programs instead of doing done for you where you usually end up like a glorified freelancer. So first things first, you’re probably already doing done with you. And here’s how I know that, because every time I talk to an agency owner that says they’re done for you, I say, cool.

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Greg Hickman

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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