Breaking Through the Growth Ceiling – How Jordan Scaled His SaaS Marketing Expertise

Learn how Jordan Behan broke through the revenue ceiling by adding a group consulting program to his SaaS marketing agency.

The client

Jordan Behan, based in Vancouver, BC, had tried many ways to break through the revenue and income ceiling tied to the done-for-you agency service model.

The challenge

Jordan would often fill his own capacity and hire expensive subcontractors to do the work. This increased his top-line revenue but didn’t leave much profit. He needed a way to scale his expertise without compromising margins.

How we helped

After joining our program, Jordan packaged his intellectual property into a Lean Marketing Playbook and launched a group consulting program. He followed the process step-by-step, even if it wasn’t perfect.


Jordan’s new group consulting program generated a 200% ROI on his investment. He now helps his SaaS customers implement his Lean Marketing Playbook, achieving scalable growth and higher profit margins.

Achieve more, work less

Feel the freedom of a wildly profitable business and enjoy life on your terms

Easily the best investment I made in my business.

Chris Baylis