Specialization and Creativity Combined – How Emmanuel Productized His Creative Services for Real Estate Professionals

Learn how Emmanuel transformed his custom projects into a specialized offering, closing 10 new clients in the process.

The client

Emmanuel Lao, based in Los Angeles, CA, would take on almost any client that came his way. He was committed to making it work, but this led to custom projects that were burning out his team.

The challenge

Taking on any client and project left Emmanuel and his team overwhelmed and exhausted. The lack of specialization made it challenging to streamline his services. He knew he needed to change his approach to create a more sustainable business.

How we helped

By joining our program, Emmanuel made a mental shift that allowed him to specialize and productize his creative services specifically for real estate professionals. He learned how to balance creativity with productization.


Emmanuel closed 10 new clients for a brand-new offering and achieved a creative yet specialized approach that allowed him to serve his clients more effectively. He now enjoys a more predictable business model that aligns with his team’s strengths.

Achieve more, work less

Feel the freedom of a wildly profitable business and enjoy life on your terms

Easily the best investment I made in my business.

Chris Baylis