How Chris Transitioned From One-on-One Done-For-You Services To A Leveraged Group Program In 31 Days and Generated $30,000

See how Chris Baylis shifted from labor-intensive, one-on-one services to a scalable group program, generating impressive revenue in just a month.

The client

Chris Baylis has been at the helm of his agency for over five years, building a solid foundation and a reputable client base in Ottawa, Canada. His firm specialized in delivering customized, one-on-one services that, while highly effective, demanded his constant presence and led him to travel for 42 weeks a year—a situation that became increasingly untenable for him and his family.

The challenge

Trapped in a cycle of personalized service and constant travel, Chris reached a breaking point. His business model was profitable but exhausting and unsustainable. The demand for his personal involvement in every client interaction was stifling growth and affecting his quality of life. Clients were accustomed to high-touch, bespoke services, making the transition to a less intensive business model seem daunting.

How we helped

Our Foundations Program provided the framework Chris needed to rethink and reshape his business strategy. We guided him through the process of designing and implementing a Done-With-You Group Program, leveraging our expertise in productization and scalable business models. This shift allowed him to maintain high service standards while significantly cutting down on direct client engagement.


The transformation was profound. By moving to a group service model, Chris not only reduced his workload but also enhanced his clients’ experience by offering them a collaborative and dynamic learning environment. The new program was an immediate success, generating over $30,000 in its first month. Clients adapted quickly to the new format, appreciating the peer interactions and the pace of the program, which allowed them more flexibility and autonomy in their learning processes.

Achieve more, work less

Feel the freedom of a wildly profitable business and enjoy life on your terms

Easily the best investment I made in my business.

Chris Baylis