12 Infusionsoft Add-Ons To Enhance Your Marketing Automation

When it comes to getting more out of Infusionsoft, you’ll quickly realize that you need to tap into the power of some of many third-party add-ons. 

There are so many to choose from and some are practically identical.

We are asked constantly by our clients and prospects which tools would be best for them in their business.

We noticed that we not only recommend the same tools over and over again but, that many of our clients were already using some of the tools we’re about to share.

Below, you’ll find a curated list of our top picks for Infusionsoft add-ons. Each one in some way makes Infusionsoft better and your business more efficient.

Since we all love tools, let’s dive right in shall we?

Here are our 12 Recommended Infusionsoft Add-Ons To Enhance Your Marketing Automation

1. Spiffy Order Forms

Note: See below in this section for our special offer to get you started with Spiffy.

Let’s face it. The out of the box Infusionsoft order forms look like garbage. Nobody wants to send prospects to those order forms. Not only that, up until recently, they weren’t even mobile friendly.

But let’s not kid ourselves. We want our order forms to represent our brand. We want to feel proud to send people to our order forms.

That’s why we use Spiffy order forms and recommend them to our clients.

Here are just a few things we love about Spiffy Order Forms:

  1. They are mobile responsive
  2. They look great
  3. Anyone can set them up
  4. They don’t require expensive bills from developers and programmers for one-off customized order forms
  5. You can create consistency across your brand by leveraging a similar look and feel
  6. The founding team is hungry and they are rapidly advancing the product (a new drag and drop order form builder is coming soon!)

Here is what your order form can look like right out of the box with Spiffy order forms.

Spiffy Infusionsoft Order Forms

Now, if you wanted to take that to the next level and get Spiffy with it (get that will smith reference?) then you can create beautiful, high converting order forms like these:





Now right now, these types of Spiffy designs, require some code ninja skills but, like I said, their new drag and drop builder will be coming soon making this a breeze.

The main reason I love Spiffy order forms is that they are NATIVE to Infusionsoft. They currently reside on your Infusionsoft app URL making the consistency and integration with Infusionsoft a breeze.

Unlike tools like SamCart and ClickFunnels (which have some nice looking forms), Spiffy is easier to integrate (since it’s basically an Infusionsoft order form already) which will you sleep better at night because you’ll have one less integration to worry about and the credit card information will get stored in Infusionsoft.

If you’re using some of these other tools that don’t actually pass credit card info to Infusionsoft and at some point to change down the line, you’re pretty much screwed and will need to have customers repay.

Not a good look, believe me. We’ve seen it.

So, that’s why I wanted to kick off this post with Spiffy because I think it’s hands down the best Infusionsoft add on there is for any business.

Special Offer: We’ve Partnered with Spiffy and have a little special for ya. Interested? Get down with this by clicking here.

2. Graphly

Like, Spiffy order forms, Graphly is an essential to any business using Infusionsoft. Generating your reports and dashboards can be a pain.

With Graphly, you can leverage many out-of-the-box reporting widgets which will make reporting on your key business metrics a breeze.

Graphly is so helpful that we actually include it in our service plans for our clients. We drop in the metrics that give them the key insights into their business so we can help them make the educated business decisions to grow and optimize their marketing automation campaigns.

Some of the favorite reports we like are:

  • Lead Magnet Funnel Conversion
  • New Leads in the last 7 day and 30 days
  • Revenue by product or subscription
  • Value by lead source
  • Opt-ins by lead magnet
  • Campaign Email engagement
  • Revenue by referral partner
  • Invoice total by date
  • And so much more!

Here’s a taste of what your dashboard could look like:


Learn more about Graphly here. 

3. Mobit

If you’ve ever been at a conference and the speaker had you text in from the stage, they were using SMS (text message) marketing to get you to opt-in to their list.

Now, I know there a lot of SMS marketing platforms out there. I know this because before starting System.ly I was in the mobile space for over a decade educating and implementing mobile marketing programs for entrepreneurs and big brands.

My last full-time job was the head of mobile for Cabela’s. So I’ve built mobile programs at scale.

I say this because of all the SMS marketing platforms out there for small businesses and entrepreneurs, nobody gets it as right as Mobit.

They’ve taken the power of SMS marketing and the power of marketing automation and have brought it to you on a platform that was built to integrate with Infusionsoft.

When it comes to incorporating smart mobile marketing, we recommend Mobit, hands down. That’s why we are certified partners in the platform as well.

With most of your prospects on the go, your opt-ins don’t just come from your website anymore. Mobile gives you the opportunity to capture a lead from anywhere.


The combination of SMS and their mobile responsive capture forms make it a great tool to bring leads into your Infusionsoft campaigns from anywhere.

In fact, when those leads don’t do exactly what you wanted, you can even follow up via SMS which will only increase your conversion.

Having been in the mobile marketing space for over 10 years, I know that Mobit takes compliance very seriously, unlike many of the other options out there.

SMS marketing is an industry this is regulated more than email. Yes, that’s a true statement and the penalties can hurt you as a small business.

If you’re going to be having people text in with their mobile phone number and you’re going to leverage that to communicate with your customers, do yourself a favor and use Mobit.

And if you need help getting started, we’re happy to talk. 🙂 Schedule a free consultation and we’ll make sure you’re taken care.

4. Fix Your Funnel

If you ever wanted to do a one-click upsell using Infusionsoft this is going to be your lifesaver.

I’ve watched many block posts and attended sessions at conferences on how to “hack” Infusionsoft to do a one-click upsell.

I don’t care who you are, don’t waste your time “hacking” together a solution for this when you can use a simple tool like Fix Your Funnel.

While you may say $59/month is too high for one-click upsell functionality, stop for a minute. Think about the additional revenue you can generate by offering one-click upsells.

If you’re not at least making your money back on your Fix Your Funnel with one click upsells, you probably have bigger problems to solve in your business.

Quickly and easily create new one click upsells and monitor your conversions in an easy to understand dashboard.


Learn more about Fix Your Funnel here.

5. StripeyFuse (now known as Nexus Merchants) 

If you use Stripe and love it (who doesn’t) and want to still use it while getting the most out of Infusionsoft, you need StripeyFuse.

Using StripeyFuse Premium you connect Stripe with Infusionsoft as a standard merchant account and can accept payments through Stripe via Infusionsoft order forms.

StripyFuse allows you to use Stripe as your payment gateway with Infusionsoft as easily as you can with Paypal, or any of the other standard payment gateways that are already built into Infusionsoft such as Authorize.net

You can then set up as many order forms, shopping carts, subscriptions, payment plans, plus everything else that Infusionsoft can do, using Stripe as your merchant, it really is as simple as that. Everything is PCI compliant and we handle all the behind the scenes communications between the two powerful services.

Many of our clients use Stripe in some way shape or form in their business with Infusionsoft. Thanks to Stripeyfuse, they make it a breeze.

Now you can fire off campaigns, run membership sites, start Sequences and create tasks within Infusionsoft based on your Stripe transactions in Infusionsoft.

If you’re ready to buy, click here to get started.

6. Proof

This tool helps you sky-rocket the conversion rate on your website by displaying recent customer activity (how cool is that?).


What I love about this tool is that it lets your customers sell for you with powerful social proof.

We like to add this to our opt-in pages, registration pages, order forms, etc.

Learn more about Proof here.

7. ScheduleOnce

If you’re looking for a calendar management tool that integrates nicely with Infusionsoft, we recommend ScheduleOnce.

We use it on our own business as well as many of your clients coaching and consultation funnels.

Depending on your business model, at some point you’ll want to get a prospect on the phone.

In our business, we have prospects schedule a free consultation. After completing an application they can schedule a call on our calendar. ScheduleOnce handles all that booking and offering them only specific time slots that we pre-determined would be available for those types of calls.

The best part, it’s not even just for prospects.

We use it every day for our on-boarding of new clients.

Need to schedule that kickoff call? No problem, let your automation send out your calendar link.

When a meeting has been requested, scheduled, cancelled and even rescheduled you can have your Infusionsoft automations take the wheel and follow up appropriately with your leads.


Schedule Once has many advantages over the others, in our opinion.

  • It offers a great experience for the person making the appointment.
  • The user interface is very easy to use.
  • It is reliable.
  • It has never failed me in several years and many, many appointments (something I can’t say for others).
  • And it has a great feature set.

Learn more about ScheduleOnce here.

8. Thinkific

We’ve been using Thinkific for all of our online courses. It’s easy to use, they have great support, and it’s a one-stop-shop for you to create, market and sell on their platform.

It’s our go-to recommendation for our clients when it comes to having a membership site tied to Infusionsoft. While there are other options such as Kajabi and Memberium, the decision is easy in our eyes.

While I like everything about Thinkific compared to the others – architecture, reliability, flexibility, etc – where it really, really shines is support. The support is beyond amazing. That alone is worth the price of admission.

Learn more about Thinkific here.

9. ClickFunnels

I’m sure you have heard of ClickFunnels by now but we had to mention it on this list mainly because we use it ourselves and we recommend this tool to all of our clients. 

This tool is where we build all of our pages, like our registration pages for webinars and our opt-ins for lead magnets. We prefer ClickFunnels over other options for its user functionality and organization of funnels.


It makes creating mobile-responsive opt-in pages super easy with no coding and they are already designed for conversion.

If you need quick opt-in pages to test your minimum viable funnel or you just don’t have the budget to hire a designer, you can leverage their existing themes or their marketplace to get beautiful pages up in minutes.

Learn more about ClickFunnels here.

10. PlusThis

PlusThis was one of (if not the) first of its kind. A swiss army knife of powerful tools to get more out of Infusionsoft.

Using PlusThis, it makes it fast and easy to do things such as:

  • Create evergreen timed offerings
  • Sync facebook ads to Infusionsoft
  • Integrate GoToWebinar for easy registration and automation for post webinar segmentation
  • Split testing
  • And more.


There are so many ways to use PlusThis they even have Idea Guides to help you find ways to use it.

I will say that I find many people try to justify the cost of PlusThis because it’s sometimes hard to figure out exactly what to use it for BUT, once you start using it, and you see how it can streamline your automations in a way that supports your business, it will become a no-brainer.

Learn more about PlusThis here.

11. My Fusion Helper

Now, I have to mention My Fusion Helper too as they are fast a ferocious player in the “swiss army knife” of Infusionsoft space.

They are similar to PlusThis and have many of the similar integrations but also offer a variety of ones that are powerful.

All that and it’s only $29.95/month vs PlusThis’ $79/month price tag.


Some of the tools offered by My Fusion Helper that excite us are:

  • Facebook (Realtime) Custom Audiences
  • GoTo Webinar Integration
  • Youtube/Wistia Integration
  • Google Sheets Integration which makes extracting and manipulating data a  bit easier if you’re a Google lover.

Check out a full feature list here.

Those are just some of the features of many that they offer and at more than half the price, definitely a consideration for your Infusionsoft toolbelt.

Learn more about My Fusion Helper here.

12. Parsey

Lastly, I wanted to mention Parsey as it opens the doors a bit to what you can integrate with Infusionsoft by leveraging emails and webhooks.

It’s a bit techie for me but there is a lot you can do it with it.

One of my favorite things is their new DocuSign integration.


If you’re in any business where you need to have new clients sign agreements, now you can have automations triggered, stopped etc all with the use of Parsey and the DocuSign integration.

So if you’re in financial services, legal services, real estate, insurance, hospitality, heck…any service company, this might be a super helpful tool to streamline your operations.

Learn more about Parsey here.

Time To Start Integrating

Which of these Infusionsoft add-ons do you think could help your business? We’d love to hear.

It’s important to note that many, if not most, of the links on this page are affiliate links. As I hope you can tell from my descriptions, this is a list of tools we care about, recommend AND use in our own business. I would never recommend something for the sake of a small commission. If one of these makes sense for you and can save you time, I’ll be happy.

We are working in these tools everyday for our clients and wanted to make you aware of some of the add-ons that can help you take your marketing automation with Infusionsoft to the next level.

Greg Hickman

CEO & Lead Mentor

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