How Sander Transformed His SEO Agency From Operational Overwhelm to 3-Day Workweeks While Growing Revenue

From overwhelmed agency owner trapped in day-to-day operations to working just three focused days per week while maintaining steady growth, Sander Touw’s transformation shows how the right systems can unlock both profit and freedom.

The client

Sander Touw runs Webcrafter, an SEO agency based in the Netherlands. As an established agency owner, Sander had built a successful business but found himself increasingly trapped by its demands. His expertise in SEO had attracted clients, but the operational weight of serving them left him with little time to focus on strategic growth.

The challenge

Despite running a profitable agency, Sander hit a ceiling that many agency owners face. Deeply entrenched in project management and client fulfillment, he couldn’t extract himself from daily operations to focus on business development. The overwhelming demands of hands-on client work created a frustrating cycle – the agency’s growth potential was limited by Sander’s personal capacity and involvement in every aspect of delivery.

After following Alt Agency’s content for two years, Sander recognized he needed to prioritize differently but struggled to implement lasting change. He had pieces of the puzzle but couldn’t see the complete picture. While hesitant about the investment, his growing frustration with feeling stuck pushed him to take action.

How we helped

The Alt Agency Framework provided the strategic foundation Sander needed to restructure his business. Through our guidance, he completely redefined his agency’s positioning, starting with a laser-focused refinement of his core offer and ideal target audience. This clarity enabled him to optimize his pricing and margins, ensuring profitability aligned with his goals.


Within months of implementing the framework, Sander’s agency achieved the seemingly impossible – recovering 2-3x the program investment while simultaneously reducing his workweek to just three focused days. By implementing proper systems and team structure, he now regularly takes mornings off and works out during business hours, all while the agency continues its steady growth trajectory.

Achieve more, work less

Feel the freedom of a wildly profitable business and enjoy life on your terms

Easily the best investment I made in my business.

Chris Baylis